Endodontics is the main science in which root canal treatments are performed.
Endodontic treatment usually involves channel treatment. Among the dental treatments, the most feared treatment is generally canal treatment. Nowadays, canal treatment is performed in one session on healthy teeth and generally in two sessions on unhealthy teeth.
Tooth anatomy
The part of the tooth that is seen in the mouth is called the crown, and the part that is not visible in the mouth and remains in the bone is called the root. Our tooth consists of several layers. The outermost part of the crown part, i.e. the part that can be seen in our mouth is called enamel. Tooth enamel is one of the hardest tissues in our body. The cement layer lies over the root area of ​​our teeth, which is located under the gums and surrounded by bones. There is also a dentin layer under the enamel and cement layers. The characteristic of dentin is that it is the largest layer of the tooth and, in contrast to the enamel layer, contains nerve endings. With this function, it has a determining meaning in the pain mechanism.
There is a tooth pulp under the dentin layer. In this part are the vessels and nerves of the tooth. The pulp plays an important role in the development and growth of the tooth. It also conveys the problems of our teeth with the pain mechanism after the teeth have grown out.

How does the pulp ignite?
Everyone has bacteria in the oral cavity. They don’t let us feel pain unless there are undesirable conditions. Bacteria combine with the many foods we eat to ensure the formation of acids in our mouth. If we cannot remove these acids from our mouth, these substances damage the enamel and cause tooth decay in the enamel layer. If the tooth decay formed in the tooth enamel is not treated, it reaches the dentine layer under the enamel layer. Although the dentin layer warns us of pain, microorganisms move in the direction of the pulp if the caries formed is still not treated. In the meantime, the pulp uses several ways to protect itself. One of these ways is to warn us of pain. However, if we do not treat our teeth again, microorganisms cause inflammation by, after a while, destroying the vessels and nerves in the pulp.
Another way of inflammation in the pulp is trauma. A blow to the tooth can cause the veins and nerves that penetrate the tooth root to break, thereby losing their vitality. The addition of microorganisms in some way causes inflammation of the pulp.
Another way to infect the pulp is to have long-term periodontitis (gums and surroundings) around the tooth.
How do you know if a tooth is infected?
It is possible to talk about inflammation and the occurrence of inflammation in pain and sensitivity of cold and hot food and drinks. Excessive color changes on the teeth can also be seen here as a sign of inflammation. Apart from this, in the case of untreated teeth where the bruise reaches the pulp, the infection increases from the root tip to the jawbone and can cause small or large swellings on the face. In this case, in addition to the procedures performed by the dentist, the use of antibiotics in the fight against infections is also suitable. The general belief is that the tooth that forms the swollen face should be pulled out after the swelling has subsided. However, this is a very old thought. Even the teeth that cause such large infections can be kept in the mouth with a canal treatment and this tooth can serve you for years, just like a healthy tooth.

                                                                                                                      Channel treatment levels

  1. Radiography identifies problematic teeth.
  2. If the tooth is healthy, local anesthesia is performed and the sensitivity of the tooth and surrounding tissue is removed.
  3. Create a cavity to reach the pulp by removing the caries in the enamel and dentin layers.
  4. Isolation with a rubber dam on the tooth.
  5. Determination of the working length with electronic instruments and their confirmation by radiography.
  6. The removal and destruction of infected dentin layers, microorganisms in the root canal with rotating instrument systems.
  7. The destruction of microorganisms with various root canal disinfectants when using rotating tool systems in root canals.
  8. The destruction and removal of infected dentin layers, microorganisms in the root canal with rotating instrument systems.
If the tooth is not healthy at the beginning of the canal treatment, wait a certain time until a canal antiseptic has been inserted into the root canal. In the next session, the root canal is filled.
After the root canal treatment, the tooth is separated from the surrounding tissue and is intended to prevent the infection from occurring again and the surrounding tooth tissue from being damaged.
After the canal treatment, especially after the treatment of healthy teeth, collapsible pain in the tooth or pain when pressing on the tooth can occur for several days. This is a normal pain that occurs after canal treatment. With a little tooth protection of the canal-treated tooth, it disappears in a short time. The success rate for canal treatments that use the right treatment method today is 90%.

Our other treatments

  • Embedded wisdom tooth extraction
  • Implant treatments
  • Teeth whitening
  • Porcelain laminate veneers
  • Composite veneers
  • Composite filling
  • Porcelain filling
  • Amalgam filling
  • Telescopic crown
  • Orthodontics (treatment of tooth and jaw deformities)
  • Pedodontics (Pediatric Dental Treatment)
  • Attachment prosthesis (prostheses with slide, push button, precision holder)
  • Dental bridge prosthesis
  • All-on-4 concept

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    This website was created as part of the publication and announcement for information purposes in accordance with Article 29 of the Ministry of Health of February 15, 2008, number 26788. The information on this website was created for the information of people and cannot in any way be used to diagnose or treat diseases. This website is not intended for advertisements, diagnoses and treatments. Visitors who visit the website should definitely consult a doctor if information is asked or if there are health problems.